ITA vs UK in 2025

2025 is just around the corner, and with it comes a new era of evolution for graphic design, both in England and Italy. These two countries, with very different traditions, are experiencing a profound creative transformation driven by technological advancements, cultural changes, and a growing focus on sustainability.

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Web Site, Ergo Sum

“If you’re not on the web, you can’t really say you exist.” Because your website represents your digital identity. It is the main tool for presenting yourselves to the world, interacting with it, reaching new customers or followers and consolidating the relationship with those already acquired. It is an indispensable tool for those who want to be present and active in the digital society in which we live.

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Symetria et Proportione

A new Brand designed starting from a reinterpretation of the compositional canons of fifteenth-century technical literature, in particular of local historical engineering, from the “Tractatus Primus” by Francesco di Giorgio Martini to the architectural works of Baccio Pontelli and Luciano Laurana, following the semantic trace of the “Images Archetypal” by Bruno Munari and developing Bob Noorda’s concept of “Elementary Module”.

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A new engineering brand in London

The Brand is born and developed in our mind as a response to the corporate communication development strategy. But what does Brand mean? They are emotional signs, visual elements, associations, values, experiences, consistencies, or in other words, the elements that distinguish us from others. In this article, the power of storytelling and audiovisual techniques tell how I created and developed the Brand Name of SPEAR ENGINEERING LTD, a London-based Oil & Gas engineering company, with a short film.

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