SA.MA. Engineering srl is an Italian petrochemical engineering company headquartered in Via Monteverdi, Cagliari (CA).
Mainly, the areas of works and the activities developed by the engineers staff are aimed at the study of new energy conversion methods. The Company – as stated in the Articles of Association – is based «on an business model that combines local roots and skills development, balancing between regulated low-risk activities and services in free competition with growth prospects».
SA.MA. Engineering srl is a company structured as a service industry where engineers with project and construction site responsibilities work.
It operates in Sardinia and all the Italian territory.
The concept that was the trigger for the Logo design was to enclose in the simple name an element of additional meaning: the “Gas Flaring”. The flame of the burnt gas is a continuous torch that illuminates the oil towers. The Oil & Gas icon (Fire Flame + Oil Drop) can also be used without a Logo to connote all visual communication. The color palette is centered on two colors – red and blue – respecting the tradition of the institutional coat of arms of the city of Cagliari, where the Company is headquartered.
Starting from the Logo, we have declined the concept to the entire Corporate Image: business cards, letterheads, e-mails, document folders, paper block notes, data sheets and Company Profile.
In summary, this is the design process flow: iconological research, iconographic post-production, Logo design and development of the Corporate Image, drafting and translation of texts, layout development and finally executive for print and for web. The entire Corporate Design has been configured in order to outline a new and easily recognizable company profile in the Italian Oil & Gas engineering sector.
Below some steps of the work.
The design of the Company Profile followed the guidelines of Brand Identity. The new Company Profile of the SA.MA Group was designed and developed with Adobe CC softwares. It is available in two languages - IT/EN – and it includes pages dedicated to the presentation of the Company, to the fields of study and to project activities in Sardinia. We took care of the drafting of the texts, from the presentation of the Company to the description of the areas of activity, from the definition of the core business to the technical sheets of each operating sector. The images are photographic shots taken on site and partly archival material, reworked in post-production and finally optimized for both print and web with Adobe CC softwares. Icons and technical drawings relating to Oil & Gas engineering were designed ad hoc and customized at the explicit request of the customer.
The paper version of the Company Profile, of 48 pages, was printed in 500 copies at BCS srl in Fano (PU) while the e-book version will be available on the Company’s website, currently under construction.
Below are some screenshoots of the pages and the graphic project.